It's hard to believe that it was a year ago that everything changed for ALL of us. And what a year. I describe it as the WORST year of my life, but also the BEST year of my life. The PIVOT was real, but so much was gained as a result of the pandemic.
I am full of hope and excitement as I look forward to bringing Buzzardball back this summer. I am ALL IN as I plan on offering a full menu of basketball for the kids. After all, we have to make up for what we missed out on in 2020. Everything will be carefully planned out according to the guidelines in place.

The GREEN light will happen (dates and online registration) once I have approval from the venues I have been talking to this last month. I will announce that St. Michael's will NOT be this year's venue. They have made the early decision to not have any activity on campus this summer. I am sad about that, but also very excited to start a new chapter for Year 25!
In addition, I wanted to update you on some things going on surrounding other Buzzardball activities. So let's get to it.
1. NEW WEBSITE | Buzzardball.COM - Big THANK YOU to Web Designer and friend Juan Beck for his help in creating an umbrella website for all of my activity. Juan also reconstructed my DJ + Auctioneer Website at BuzzardballDJ.COM. Would love to get your feedback on the layout and ease of navigating through the website.
2. EXPERIENCE THE BUZZ Podcast | CLICK HERE - Yes! I have dipped back into my broadcasting roots and started a podcast focusing on local entrepreneurs and small business owners. I would love for you to check it out and take a listen. I release two podcasts weekly. So far I have 18 episodes in the books, including Tim Collom, Ruthie Bolton, Maren Conrad, Jeff Levering, and Skip Wahl to name a few.
3. BUZZARDBALL GAMES | CLICK HERE - For the past few months, I have hosted over 30 groups of kids. Groups have ranged from 6-20 kids. I have hosted basketball, flag football, and even kickball. Families LOVE it and it gets our kids outside moving around. I have weeknight spots available in March from 5:30-6:30 pm (Daylight Savings is this Sunday). Schedules are coordinated monthly.

4. BUZZDROP | Food Delivery You Can Trust - As the pandemic hit and carried through the summer and into the fall, I started doing Postmates. Loved it so much, I put together a plan to deliver to families like you. It has been a lot of fun! I have two families that have both counted on BuzzDrop for 40+ deliveries. More info can be found on Buzzardball.Com. Nuts and bolts about how it works is below.
5. SMALL BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT | CLICK HERE NEW! -- As part of my charge in 2021, I have started a weekly segment called the "Small Business Spotlight" which highlights our great small businesses and their owners in the area. Really excited to announce some news regarding business sponsorship where the aim is to help you get the community supporting our local businesses. Stay tuned.
You can see why I am excited. There is so much going on and I look forward to getting back on track together. Please let me know if you have any questions. I hope to have NEWS regarding the Summer Camps and League in the near future. You will be the first to know ... I promise.
Have a great day!